High fidelity archiving for IBM Notes databases

Quickly and Easily Archive Lotus Notes Databases to PDF, HTML and XML Formats


Export Lotus Notes data to HTML or PDF format for easy viewing in a browser.

Quickly and easily turn your Lotus Notes databases into self contained, read-only HTML web sites. Forms are rendered almost exactly as they would appear in the Notes client. All views are reproduced in the archive, and your archived databases are full text searchable. The HTML representation stands alone and can be viewed with any browser, with no need even for a web server.


Archive your databases and shut down your Domino infrastructure with no worries.

Super quick and easy to set up, you'll be archiving your first database within 5 minutes after installation. Sorting and filtering options make it simple to find and select candidate databases for archiving. And, once you’ve archived your databases, you can shut down your Domino servers. Everything you need is safely stored in the XML vaults.


Create open XML format vaults for long term storage.

As well as the HTML and PDF output, Export creates open XML archive files that allow long term storage of data and design with no need for recurring runtime or server costs, and no tie-in to any vendor (not even us!). Unlike CSV archives, the XML format faithfully and safely stores rich text and file attachments.


PDF format archives allow uploading to the CMS of your choice.

As well as the stand-alone HTML site that replicates the original Notes database format, all the Notes documents can be stored in PDF format. Then you can upload them to SharePoint or any other Content Management System you choose.

Archiving to XML, HTML and PDF formats provides maximum future proofing at minimal cost with easy and free access to searchable data for users forever!


Simple Pricing. No Limits.

Teamstudio Export is priced at $8,270 per workstation for a one-year subscription.

  • No limit to the number of Lotus Notes databases you can export.
  • Once your databases are exported, you can distribute the HTML or PDF archives to an unlimited number of users, who can continue to use them forever with no additional cost.
  • Pricing available in USD, EUR, GBP, AUD or JPY.

Download a free trial version. No forms to fill out, no obligation, no time limits.

Browsable HTML and PDF Archives

Export allows you to quickly and easily archive your Lotus Notes databases to create high-fidelity, searchable HTML and PDF archives.

Users can easily navigate the archives, using nothing but a browser. Database views are reproduced, including categorized views. Forms are faithfully reproduced, just as they would appear in the Lotus Notes client. Switch to the Data tab, and all fields are surfaced in a configurable layout. Rich text is accurately reproduced, and attachments can be downloaded and opened in the normal way. Even full text search is supported, allowing users to easily locate archived data. Or, choose to archive your Lotus Notes documents to PDF format documents if you prefer.

The primary use of an archive is to allow users to go back and find data that didn't get transferred into the new system. Teamstudio Export's browsable archives allow users to do just that, with zero recurring cost. You don't even need a web server!


And, if you're migrating to Microsoft SharePoint, you can easily import your HTML archives simply by dragging them into SharePoint Designer!


Secure, Open XML Archives

The thing about archiving a Lotus Notes database is that you never know what you are going to need until you need it. And by then, it's usually too late. 

That's why Teamstudio's approach to archiving is to save everything - just in case. Storing archives in XML format allows us to save everything - field data, rich text including formatting, file attachments, even the database design. And it's all stored in text-based, non-proprietary format that can be read by any XML reader.

So, no tie-in to any vendor (not even us!). No need to pay royalties or subscription fees. Just Export your databases and store them somewhere safe, just in case you need them in the future. If a new version of Export adds extra features to the HTML archives, you can recreate the HTML from the XML version. No need to go back to the original Lotus Notes database. So, as soon as you’ve exported all your data to XML, you can shut down your Domino servers and relinquish your Lotus Notes client licenses with no worries.

If you work in a regulated industry, you may need to be able to prove that your code had a certain feature built in. All the code is stored in the XML archive, along with everything else, just in case.

Lotus Notes Archiving Made Easy

Export is easy to install. A stand-alone Windows app, just install it on a workstation that already has HCL Notes on it. As long as you have a Notes ID that has access to all the servers and databases that you want to archive, you'll be archiving your old Lotus Notes databases to HTML or PDF format in no time.

Sorting and filtering make the task of locating your archive candidates simple. As you locate each database to archive, right click, select Archive, and the job is added to the work queue.

Archiving starts in the background, allowing you to move on to the next candidate. As the archiving jobs complete, simple, clear icons in the main screen show you which databases have been archived.


Demo Video

Watch a short, 3-minute demo of Teamstudio Export to learn how to archive your old Lotus Notes databases to PDF, HTML and XML formats.


Delve Deeper

Want to delve deeper into the nitty gritty of how Export works? Click the image to read the User Guide!


We were there when you built your first database.
Count on us now as you move to what's next.

“Teamstudio Export is an excellent tool for archiving Lotus Notes applications and for assisting in our migration effort from Notes to Sharepoint/SNOW.”
— Janine Crosbie, Director of Systems Development at Pramerica
“I am amazed at how the rendering of the Lotus Notes form in HTML is now done. The form and data in HTML looks just like it did in the Lotus Notes application. What a time saver!”
— Scott Adams, System Administrator at Covia
“This is a super product. We have used it for some of our data exports as we migrate apps and I have also used it for some email collections for the Legal team. Very easy to use and the results have been well received by the users. Everyone is impressed.”
— Nathan Underwood, IT Business Solutions Professional, Lexington, KY
Teamstudio Export is covering all our needs in the ongoing project that we have. It was the right tool at the right time, for us.
— Andy Eftimie, Program Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers