Export 3.1 Adds Mail File Support, Usability Improvements, and More!

By Nigel Cheshire

Today we are thrilled to be launching an update to Teamstudio Export, the world’s first and only Notes/Domino to pure HTML and XML archiving utility. If you’re not familiar with it, Export allows you to create user friendly, read-only archives of your Notes and Domino databases. You can distribute the archives to your users royalty-free, and all they need is a browser. Today, we’re launching Export version 3.1.

Mail Database Rendering

The new version adds a slew of new features, most notably perhaps, much improved support for mail database archives. If you’ve been around Notes/Domino for a while, you’ll know that the standard mail template is a strange beast. Technically, you could say that the mail template is just another Notes application, but there’s a bit more to it than that. There are features built into the Notes client that provide special treatment for the mail template, which means that for Export, which renders Notes applications in HTML, we had to add some of that special treatment ourselves. That’s been added in 3.1, and you should find navigating your mail databases much easier now.

Usability Improvements

We’ve made some changes to the exported HTML app to improve usability, especially for users who are used to navigating around the database using the Notes client. A subset of the Notes keyboard shortcuts allow navigation via the keyboard using up and down arrows, enter, and escape keys. Keyboard shortcuts can be enabled or disabled by the user.

Support has been added for view icons, including built-in (numbered) icons and image resources used as view icons. Numeric searches are now allowed in the full text search function, and Export now tracks the view position and restores the previous position when navigating between views and documents.

Improved Logging, etc.

In response to customer feedback, we’ve added better logging of the archive process. Export now creates a log file (audit.txt) containing meta-data about the archive process, which is stored within the archive .tse file. Also, archives and HTML exports can now be deleted via a right-click from within the Export application. This feature can be disabled from within Export's configuration settings.

And that’s it. All the gory detail is available in the release notes, and you can download the new version of Export from the download page as of right now. Don’t forget to uninstall the old version before you attempt to install the new one. Oh, and no need for new keys. If you have a current subscription for Export, your existing keys will work just fine.

Finally, if you have already created archives and you want to update your HTML exports to get the new features, no need to recreate the XML archive. Just install 3.1 and redo the export to HTML.

If you have questions or need help with the upgrade, click below to contact us. And, happy Exporting!