New Version of Teamstudio Export Released Today Supports Export to PDF Format
Since the beginning of 2018, Teamstudio Export has been the go-to tool for archiving Lotus Notes databases. Export allows you to quickly convert your old Lotus Notes databases to HTML format, providing an easy way to distribute searchable archives to users. Since the beginning, our approach has been to reproduce the Lotus Notes forms and views in HTML format, in order to give the best user experience when interacting with the data. Even although the archives that Export creates are read-only, there are times when some interactivity is beneficial, for example in the case of tabbed tables. It’s nice for the user to be able to switch between the tabs in the table just as they would have been able to in the Lotus Notes client.
However, there are some situations where representing the Lotus Notes forms in PDF format is desirable, or even necessary. Especially in regulated industries, it’s sometimes better to have a static record of the Notes form, almost as if it had been printed onto a piece of paper, rather than the more interactive format provided by an HTML page. Which is why we are today launching a new version of Teamstudio Export, version 4.0, which adds the option of creating PDF archives of your Lotus Notes forms.

Exporting your Lotus Notes database to PDF format is as easy as outputting to HTML. Simply right click on the database in the Export UI, and select Export to PDF. Once the export process is complete, select “View PDF” and your browser will open with the exported Notes database. Visible views are reproduced in HTML, and the exported database is full-text searchable. Double click on a document to open the PDF.
And that’s all there is to it. If you have a current subscription for Export, this is a free upgrade, just download the new version of Export, install it (we recommend uninstalling the old version first), and you’ll be creating PDF format archives of your Lotus Notes databases in no time!
Teamstudio Export is sold as an annual subscription, on a per-workstation basis. There are no limits to the number of databases or volume of data that you can export. And, of course, once your Lotus Notes databases are exported to PDF format, there is no recurring cost. When you export your last database, you can allow your Export subscription to expire and use the archives forever with no additional cost.
If you’re an existing customer, click below to download Export 4.0.
If you’re not already using Export, but you’d like to arrange a demo or for a free trial license, click below.
If you’re an IBM employee, we have good news for you! You already own Teamstudio Export under the terms of an enterprise license. Click below to learn more.